In the Czech Republic are in total 91 civil airport plus biggest, that is in Prague plus be called airport Ruzyně, which can divided into 3 groups.
These are airport nation - wide of meaning – airport Prague, regional airport bigger of meaning (Brno, Ostrava, Karlovy Vary plus Pardubice) plus regional airport smaller of meaning, where line other aeroklubová plus sports airport, but on every of these is important transport plus hereto is best taxi service. Regional plus airport bigger of meaning such as for example airport Ruzyně, are in the context lot like public intrastate or international aerodrome that the personal limit, municipality or private subject with the view of running flying transport plus reservation access traveller / tourists / families / firms to the region plus out of him, plus which be wedded structure plus technical equipment apt to do achievement business flying transport.
This airport manage how needed arrangement plus racecourse system so and services especially taxi service that the they may traveller or flying companies offer.
Day 1. July 2004 terminated his activity state of public enterprise, Ostrava plus Karlovy Vary were to be vested to the proprietorship limits Jihomoravského, Moravskoslezského plus Karlovarského. transport to the airport Ruzyně is single-level memory plus cheap. At the same time geted to change subject operators objective airports by transferring on private subjects, equity capital near airports in Brně plus Ostravě plus Limited Liability Company to the airport in Karlových Varech. Only airport that the stayed, like state public enterprise on hand of the state is airport Prague. Mentioned changes were to be made row factors signaling necessity shift stavající inexpressive activities mentioned premises by the way and transport from airport with enough advanced infrastructure to the forms straight forward incidence needs appropriate regions in segment flying transport plus transportation.
Change proprietary textures to the sphere regional be as created groundwork for possibility rendering request to pumping parts agents from European funds with the aim of ensure cheapest transport from airport plus backing to realization needed build - up transfer to the airport.
Recently began limits, taxi service plus municipality consciousness importance regional airports plus began be backed in operation plus transfer from airport. This support she was standing owner no small costs in connection with preservation step in Prague 6 with a quick growth rate movements plus transport persons, plus with putting needs laying especially on safeness plus inadvisability hardware these airports. No small load were to be and disposition airports on full wiring ČR to the schengenského space.